Who Are We?

VIP at Willowbrook is a full service vision therapy center started by Optometrists Duane G. Krupar and Jeffrey A. Begg (Willowbrook Eye Care Associates, Greensburg, PA) as well as therapy coordinator, Barbara LeMaster.

The center rehabilitates binocular vision disorders, accommodative disorders, and perceptually based difficulties (visual motor integration and visual memory to name a few). We can also rehabilitate concussion, amblyopic, and strabismic patients.

The majority of our patients are children, but we enroll many adults into our program as well.
VIP is a referral based program with over 20 local Optometrists, hundreds of academic professionals, and numerous parents that refer people to the center.

We believe that it is never too late to overcome a visual/perceptual difficulty as long as you have the time and dedication to tackle it.